The Social Policy program was launched together with the quality of life research program, following the founding of RIQL in 1990. Over the years, the program concentrated on the following areas: 1. Rethinking Romanian social policy in the European Union context; 2. Comparative analysis of social policy in transition countries and EU countries; 3. Social policy design, evaluation and financing; 4. Developing sectoral policy: identification of social needs and designing appropriate policy – social insurance social assistance, educational policy, health policy in Romania 5. At-risk social groups and social policy: children, youth, seniors, poverty, social exclusion, Roma/Gipsy, crime victims.

Coordinator: Professor Cătălin Zamfir

Selected publications:

Mărginean, Ioan, ed. A comparative analysis of social policy. Romania, EU member states, candidate countries.Bucureşti: CASPIS, 2002.

Mărginean, Ioan. Social policy and the market economy in Romania.  Bucureşti: Editura CIDE, 1993.

Mărginean, Ioan. Social policy.Bucureşti: Expert, 2004.

Preoteasa, Ana Maria. Social policy research. Methodological issues. Iaşi: Editura Lumen, 2008.

Voicu, Mălina. What kind of welfare do Romanians want? On the legitimacy of social policy in Romania. Iaşi: Editura Expert Projects, 2005. 

Zamfir, Cătălin, Cosmin Briciu and Simona Stănescu, eds.Social inclusion policies during the economic crisis. Bucureşti: Editura Expert, 2010.

Zamfir, Cătălin, ed. Outlook of social protection policies for 1990s Romania. Bucureşti: ICCV, 1992.

Zamfir, Cătălin, ed. Social policy in Romania 1990-1998. Bucureşti: Editura Expert, 1999.

Zamfir, Elena and Cătălin Zamfir, eds. Social policy. Romania in European context. Bucureşti: Editura Alternative, 1995.

Zamfir, Elena and Livius Manea, eds. Evaluation of data on employmentof people with multiple sclerosis. Bucureşti: ICCV, 2012.

Zamfir, Elena and Luciana-Patricia Runcan, eds. The Romanian social assistance system: risks and opportunities. Timişoara: Editura Excelsior Art, 2011.

Zamfir, Elena. Social assistance in Romania: theory and social action. Craiova: Editura Mitropolia Olteniei, 2009.

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