Iuliana Precupețu

Iuliana Precupețu

Senior researcher

Iuliana Precupeţu is a senior researcher at the Research Institute for Quality of Life. She coordinates (together with professor Ioan Marginean) the Quality of Liferesearch programme. Between 1996 and 2008 she has taught courses and seminars of Methods of social researchand Quality of Lifeas an associate at the Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, University of Bucharest. Iuliana has an extensive experience in research projects on topics like quality of life, social inequality, precarious prosperity, health inequalities. Her most recent international research projects include: GINI (Growing Inequalities’ Impacts), as country expert, and A comparative perspective on precarious prosperity and household strategies in Romania and Switzerland in times of economic strainas Principal Investigator (together with professor Christian Suter).


Research interests: quality of life, subjective indicators, social inequality, sociology of health and illness health inequalities.

E-mail: iuliana@iccv.ro, iulianapre@gmail.com


Zamfir, Elena şi Iuliana Precupeţu, eds. 2018. Calitatea vieţii. Un proiect pentru România. [Quality of life. A project for Romania]Bucureşti: Editura Academiei Române.

Precupeţu, Iuliana şi Cosmina Elena Pop. 2017. „Pentru o abordare socială în domeniul sănătăţii. Factorii structurali ai determinării stării de sănătate.” [For a social approach to health. Structural determinants of health],Calitatea vieţii, XVIII, nr 3: 219-242.

Precupeţu, Iuliana. 2016. “Strenuous objective life circumstances and subjective responses: perceptions of well-being when living in poverty and precarious prosperity in Romania.”Calitatea Vieţii XXVII, nr 2: 99-117.

Precupeţu, Iuliana, Ana Maria Preoteasa, and Ionela Vlase. 2015. “Beyond Poverty in Romania: An Analysis of Household Level Factors of Poverty and Precarious Prosperity.” Sociológia47, no 3: 253-271.

Precupeţu Iuliana and Marius Precupeţu. 2014. “Romania: High rising inequality over two decades of post communist transformation.” In Changing Inequalities and Societal Impacts in Rich Countries: Thirty Countries’ Experiences,edited by Brian Nolan, Wiemer Salverda, Daniele Checchi, Ive Marx, Abigail McKnight, István György Tóth and Herman van de Werfhorst, 529-557. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Precupeţu, Iuliana şi Marius Precupeţu. 2013. Inequality in Romania: dimensions and trends, Bucureşti: Editura Academiei Române.

Precupeţu, Iuliana şi Ioan Mărginean, coord. 2011. Paradigma calităţii vieţii.[Quality of life paradigm] Bucureşti, Editura Academiei Române.

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