Youth and decision making

Obiectivul general al proiectului este acela de a analiza percepțiile asupra corupției ale unor actori cheie în societate: decidenții în domeniile politic și administrativ, reprezentanți ai mass-media, cetățeni ai diferitelor țări incluse în studiu.

The 5th RoMig International Conference: Puzzling Realities of the Romanian Migration within the Current Global Contexts

The 5th RoMig International Conference: Puzzling Realities of the Romanian Migration within the...

Profiling Made Better: Enhancing NEETs’ Activation Pathways

Profiling Made Better: Enhancing NEETs' Activation Pathways     Profiling Made Better:...

Webinar on Profiling NEETs and the 4 selected Good Practices

Webinar on Profiling NEETs and the 4 selected Good Practices   As the atWork4NEETs project...

Horizon Europe project Re-Place – Reframing non-metropolitan left behind places through mobility and alternative development newsletter

Horizon Europe project Re-Place - Reframing non-metropolitan left behind places through mobility...

Re-Place – Reframing non-metropolitan left behind places through mobility and alternative development

Re-Place - Reframing non-metropolitan left behind places through  mobility and alternative...

Social and online media use, in the context of recent crises (with Covid 19 and the war in Ukraine on focus)

The pandemic context has created the prerequisites for the development of social media and online...

Call for workshop & Special issue: Domestic Objects: The Transformation of Everyday Life in Post-Socialist Era

The idea of material culture was present from the inception of social sciences as a way to somehow...

New publication: Filip Alexandrescu (2020) Social Conflict and the Making of a Globalized Place at Roșia Montană, Bucharest: Pro Universitaria

We are delighted to announce the release of Dr. Filip Alexandrescu (2020) Social conflict and...

... Latest news Bucharest Calea 13 Septembrie nr. 13, postal code 050711 Phone: 021.318.24.61 Fax:...

Call for papers: International Conference Social Inequalities and Quality of Life, 15-19 noiembrie 2021

Call for Papers Social inequalities and quality of life is an international conference...

The ICCV Conference “Social Romania 1918 – 2018. ICCV contributions to the knowledge of the Romanian society”

The ICCV Conference “Social Romania 1918 – 2018. ICCV contributions to the knowledge of the...

Annual Conference of the Romanian Network for Migration Studies (RoMig)

From source to destination: new challenges of migration in Central and Eastern Europe Timişoara,...

Broșura de prezentare a ICCV, incluzând direcțiile de cercetare, programele instituționale, publicațiile relevante și domeniile de expertiză ale Institutului, poate fi descărcată aici:
Institutul de Cercetare a Calității Vieții - 30 de ani de cercetare în beneficiul comunității


Calea 13 Septembrie nr. 13, cod postal 050711

Telefon: 021.318.24.61

Fax: 021.318.24.62


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Institutul de Cercetare a Calitatii Vietii

Calea 13 Septembrie nr. 13 Bucuresti

Telefon: 021.318.24.61