Elena Zamfir

Elena Zamfir

Senior researcher

Elena ZAMFIR, PhD, professor, principal research investigator at the Research Institute for Quality of Life (ICCV) of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest. Doctoral degree in Philosophy from the University of Bucharest (1972). A university professor since 1966 and a doctoral advisor since 1994. Head of the Chair of Social Work and Social Psychology of the University of Bucharest (1991-2009). Research fields and interests: social policies, social welfare, poverty reduction strategies, social inclusion, community development and collective welfare, psycho-sociology and scientific research methods, social psychology, child and family welfare, ethnic groups (the Roma), etc. Coordinator of several projects and involved in many scientific research studies and monitoring of social reforms during the transition. Coordinator and member of several national and international programmes focussed on the inclusion of disadvantaged groups, equal opportunities and gender policies, social support for the Roma, social economy, child and family social care services, etc. Consulting national expert on social policies for international institutions such as UNICEF, UNDP, UNESCO, USAID, DIFID, the Council of Europe, the European Commission. Author of over 70 studies published in professional and academic journals, author and co-author of 25 books, and 18 national and international reports. Recipient of several academic diplomas and national/international scientific awards for scientific and teaching activity, such as the Romanian Academy Award for editing the volume The Roma Between Ignorance and Concern; Doctor Honoris Causa of 5 Romanian universities: The West University of Timișoara, The State University of Oradea, The Andrei Șaguna University of Constanța, The State University of Craiova, The Constantin Brâncuși University of Târgu Jiu. Awarded the gold medal of the University of Petroșani, the silver medal of Vasile Goldiș University of Arad. Awarded the Distinction of American Universities Consortium for coordinating the international joint Master programme “Community Justice Administration”.

Research interests: social policies, social welfare, poverty reduction strategies, social inclusion, community development and collective welfare, psycho-sociology and scientific research methods, social psychology, child and family welfare, ethnic groups (the Roma)

E-mail: ezamfir1@gmail.com

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Telefon: 021.318.24.61