Ionuț Anghel

Ionuț Anghel

Scientific researcher III

Ionuț-Marian Anghel is a scientific researcher at the Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy since 2016 and is involved in projects related to social policies, urban marginalization, poverty alleviation and ethnic minorities. Ionuț Anghel has a PhD in Sociology since 2020 when he defended his PhD thesis at the School for Advanced Studies at the Romanian Academy. His most recent publications are: Ionuț-Marian Anghel (2024). Governing the “Unmarked” Citizens: Romania’s Roma in the Grip of Socialist Technologies of Power. (2024) Nationalities Papers, Vol 52 (1) pp. 103-119, doi, Ionuț-Marian Anghel; Filip M. Alexandrescu. (2022). “‘We lurk in the hidden places’: The (un)stable spatialisation of Roma poverty in Romania.” Urban Studies, 60(10), pp. 1875-1893 and Ionuț-Marian Anghel. (2023). Forme de guvernare a situației romilor. Scurt istoric de la Iluminism la Uniunea Europeană [Forms of governance of the Roma question. A brief history from Enlightenment to the European Union]. București: Tritonic

Research interests: social policies, ethnic and racial studies, minorities, governance studies


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