Climate Change Adaptation Through an Environmental Justice Framework: The Case of Roma Communities in Romania” - CATHARTIC (Young research teams 2016)

Climate Change Adaptation Through an Environmental Justice Framework: The Case of Roma Communities in Romania” - CATHARTIC (Young research teams 2016)

May 2018 – April 2020

The proposed research addresses a timely issue confronting contemporary societies, the adaptation to impending climate change impacts. The vulnerability to such impacts varies due to socio-economic, political and cultural factors. The project focuses on the most vulnerable of the vulnerable. Such individuals and groups are located at the so-called climate edge, in a space in which environmentally and socially deleterious conditions become concentrated and where societal safeguards against climate impacts tend to fail systematically. The project articulates a bottom-up and exploratory approach for understanding the climate edge by building on the case of segregated Roma communities in Romania. Achieving this understanding addresses current knowledge gaps on how vulnerability is socially created for Roma groups. There are also policy implications of this research, as the results can be used as early warnings for the effectiveness of current adaptation policies. To achieve these scientific and policy results, the project combines hazard and risk mapping at the national level, expert opinion and focus groups and in-depth field studies in two selected communities. The results will be disseminated via two scholarly articles and the structure of a volume, via a policy paper and, for the wider public, via the project website.

RIQL coordinator: Filip Alexandrescu, Research Institute for the Quality of Life, Bucharest, Romania

Research team RIQL: Ionuț Anghel

Period: May 2018 – April 2020

Funding: Executive Unit for Funding Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation (UEFISCDI)

Key words: climate change, climate edge, segregation, Roma, social vulnerability.

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