A model of integrated services offered to young people in the countryside and the child protection system

A model of integrated services offered to young people in the countryside and the child protection system

August - October 2016

The aim of the project was the elaboration of two working methodologies for specialists working with young people in the rural and young child protection system, respectively, to improve their capacity to provide quality services that facilitate the socio-professional integration of young people from disadvantaged categories.


  1. Identifying and analyzing specific working methods working with rural young people that meet the specific needs of this category and facilitate their socio-professional integration;
  2. Identify and analyze the specific working methods of working with young people in the child protection

system that meet the specific needs of this category and facilitate their socio-professional integration;

  1. Identifying effective methods of working with young people in the rural area, namely young people in the child protection system in the following areas: occupation (choosing a profession, getting a job), social integration (life skills, social skills, emotional stability) to establish an integrated service model for socio-professional integration of disadvantaged young people.

Activities carried out within the project:

  1. Qualitative research in the counties of Bacau, Bucharest-Ilfov and Sibiu;
  2. Organizing a debate within the RIQL with the participation of the representatives of the public institutions and NGO responsable for the situation of children and young people in Romania.
Coordinator RIQL: Gabriela Neagu
Research team RIQL: Gabriela Neagu, Claudia Petrescu
Period: august – octombrie 2016
Funding: FONPC/SOS Children’s Villages Romani
Key words: institutionalized children, young people from rural areas, life skills, social and professional integration

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