Mid-Term Review of “Social inclusion through the provision of integrated community services at community level” model

Mid-Term Review of “Social inclusion through the provision of integrated community services at community level” model

September 2016 – April 2017


  • to provide an in-depth assessment of the implementation status of the modeling project “Social inclusion through the provision of integrated community services at community level”.

MTR objectives:

  1. assess the overall model, as well as each component,in terms of its relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and elements of sustainability;
  2. identify key elements that contribute to the model’s success, as well as main bottlenecks and barriers in implementation;
  3. document lessons learned, in relation to the model’s implementation and propose recommendations for improvement;
  4. make recommendations for further action related to the sustainability, scaling up and mainstreaming of the minimum package of services and quality inclusive education package at national level.


MTR methodology includes a mixed of methods and instrument for data collection: quantitative (web base surveys), qualitatives (in-depth interviews and focus groups), and secondary data analysis.

Coordinator ICCV: Claudia Petrescu
Research team ICCV: September 2016 – April 2017
Period: septembrie 2016 – aprilie 2017
Funding: UNICEF
Key words: evaluare intermediară, servicii comunitare integrate, educație incluzivă de calitate

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Institutul de Cercetare a Calității Vieții - 30 de ani de cercetare în beneficiul comunității


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Institutul de Cercetare a Calitatii Vietii

Calea 13 Septembrie nr. 13 Bucuresti

Telefon: 021.318.24.61