Initial technical and vocational education

Initial technical and vocational education

May 2016 – May 2017


  • Analysis of the initial technical and vocational education system in Romania

Specific objectives:

  1. Comprehensive analysis of the initial technical and vocational education system in Romania from the stakeholders’ perspective (employers, decision-makers, students, trade unions, non-governmental sector)
  2. Identifying the main challenges and opportunities of the initial technical and vocational education system in Romania
  3. Proposal of recommendations for a long-term development strategy in Romanian initial technical and vocational education


Research methodology:

The methodology includes: secondary data analysis, analysis of public policy documents, analysis of relevant documents in the field of TVET (studies and researches at national level, studies and researches carried out at European level) , 30 in-depth interviews with relevant actors in the field (central and local public authorities, employers, education unions, civil society organizations, recruitment companies), 2 focus group (FG) with pupils’ parents (1 FG in urban and 1 FG in rural areas), and 6 regional case studies that analyzed in detail various models of organization and functioning of the vocational education system and technically.

Coordinator RIQL: Claudia Petrescu
Research team RIQL: Alexandra Deliu, Eugen Glăvan, Dana Naghi, Mihaela Lambru, Flavius Mihalache, Gabriela Neagu, Adriana Neguț, Eugen Palade, Claudia Petrescu, Gabriel Stănilă
Period: mai 2016 – mai 2017
Funding: OMV Petrom
Key words: initial technical and vocational education, dual education system, quality in education

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