The third Age –a priority on public agenda

The third Age –a priority on public agenda

March 1st 2015 – April 30 2016

Aim: increasing the advocacy capacity of the Federation of Pensioners’Mutual Aid Associations of Romania

Specific objectives for RIQL:

  • Evaluation of the Romanian Pensioners’ Mutual AidAssociations’ advocacy capacity
  • Development of the Advocacy Strategy of Omenia federation of Pensioners’ Mutual AidAssociations

Research methods:

  • Survey on Pensioners’ Mutual AidAssociations
  • In-depth interviews with Pensioners’ Mutual AidAssociations’ representatives
  • Focus groups with Pensioners’ Mutual AidAssociations’ representatives
  • Secondary data analysis: Pensioners’ Mutual AidAssociations’ data bases, social services providers for elderly people, social services for elderly people

Coordonator ICCV: Claudia Petrescu

Coordinator of the consortium: Pensioners’ Mutual Help House Association „Omenia”Bucharest

Research partners: The Research Institute for Quality of Life, Opportunity Associates Romania

Research team RIQLClaudia Petrescu, Mihaela Lambru, Adriana Neguț, Gabriel Stănilă.

Period: March 1st 2015 – April 30 2016.

Funding: EEA and Norway Grants


Key words: elderly, advocacy, social services, public policy, capacity building, training

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Institutul de Cercetare a Calității Vieții - 30 de ani de cercetare în beneficiul comunității


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