Quality of life is a multiannual research program that aims to analyse quality of life in Romania in a comparative international perspective. A comprehensive image of quality of life is developed by using both objective and subjective indicators, both survey and...
The Social Policy program was launched together with the quality of life research program, following the founding of RIQL in 1990. Over the years, the program concentrated on the following areas: 1. Rethinking Romanian social policy in the European Union context; 2....
An important research area of RIQL is constructive sociology: the development of a theoretic and methodological paradigm for planned social development/social change. This includes: diagnosis of social problems, social innovation, strategy/plan, program/project...
Since 1990, RIQL has focused on the new, post-communist model of Romanian society. The main topic was first social policy: a new vision of the state’s social functions. In the 2000’s, the focus changed to the evaluation of the results of the transition process, the...
Within the intricate context of transition, the topic of poverty was always a priority field of study for RIQL. The first poverty assessments in Romania were completed by the Institute between 1990 and 1994. RIQL developed the methodology using the „basket of...
Social sciences have differentiated themselves from philosophy in the nineteenth century through the preoccupation (manifest in particular in sociology) of explaining cultural modernization. Modernization of culture is an ongoing process, through its later...