Claudia Petrescu Senior researcher Claudia is senior researcher and a member of Quality of Life Research Department. She is also a faculty affiliate of the University of Bucharest, Faculty of Sociology and Social Work. Claudia received her PhD in sociology from the...
Cosmina Pop Scientific researcher III Cosmina-Elena Pop is Sociologist and Scientific Researcher Gr. III since 2014 within Quality of Life Diagnosis research group. She received the PhD in Sociology in 2010 from University of Bucharest, Faculty of Sociology and Social...
Iuliana Precupețu Senior researcher Iuliana Precupeţu is a senior researcher at the Research Institute for Quality of Life. She coordinates (together with professor Ioan Marginean) the Quality of Liferesearch programme. Between 1996 and 2008 she has taught courses and...
Ana Maria Preoteasa Senior researcher Ana Maria Preoteasa, Ph.D. in Sociology (University of Bucharest, 2009), is a senior researcher with the Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy. She was involved in several national and international research...
Mihnea Preotesi Senior researcher Mihnea Preotesi, PhD in Sociology, is a senior researcher at the Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy. He participated in numerous research teams and coordinated research projects in Romania and Republic of...
Mona Simu Scientific researcher Mona Simu has recently became a scientific researcher within the Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy, where she worked since 1997 as editor for several scientific magazines issued by RIQL. She is also a PhD student...