The ICCV Conference “Social Romania 1918 – 2018. ICCV contributions to the knowledge of the Romanian society

14 November 2018, Bucharest


In the series of events dedicated to the Centenary of the Great Union, the Research Institute for Quality of Life (ICCV), member of the network of research institutes of the Romanian Academy, organizes the conference “Social Romania 1918-2018. ICCV contributions to the knowledge of the Romanian society”. Designed to span the length of half of day, the conference offers presentations of the most relevant recent scientific productions of ICCV, providing a space of reflection on some fundamental research topics from the perspective of the 100 years of Social History of Romanians in the National State.

At the same time, the celebration of the Centenary inaugurates, for the Research Institute for Quality of Life, the series of scientific events dedicated to the anniversary of 30 years since its establishment. The conference will begin with the presentation of the activity of ICCV, which is one the biggest research centres in Social Sciences in Romania.


The event will take place on 14 November 2018, at Casa Academiei Române, beginning at 10 o’clock.


The programme of the conference is available HERE.


For more information regarding the event, please contact Monica Șerban (ICCV):



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