Youth and decision making

Youth and decision making


Designing a national strategy for increasing youth participation in decision making. Quantitative research (national representative, n = 830 respondents) and a qualitative one questioning on actions needed to develop participatory spirit among young people; the study envisaged the actual possibility of manifestation and the youngsters’ interest in participating to the decision making, theirs first initiatives and education in this regard.

Coordinator of the consortium: AES Bucharest

RIQL coordinator: Simona ILIE

Research partners: The National Institute for Administration, The research Institute for Quality of Life, The Association of Economics Students

Research team RIQL: Simona Ilie, Claudia Petrescu, Marius Strâmbeanu, the field research team

Period: 2002-2005

Funding: MECT/IFA (Ministry of Education Youth and Research)

Key words: youth, decision making, leadership

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