We hereby announce the appearance in September 2020 of the volume written by Sebastian Fitzek, called “The Sacred and the political power – psychocial approaches of the collective imaginary in the collection of psycho-social sciences” of the ProUniversitaria Publishing House. The scientific references are: Prof. Univ. Dr. Nicolae Frigioiu and Prof. Univ. Dr. Constantin Schifirneț. After a brief introduction to the world of the collective imaginary, the 11 chapters of the volume address the collective imaginary from a psycho-social point of view, sacredness and connections with power and political elites. The analysis of the sacred is given a large space in the book: in the imagination of the fairy tale, in relation to the image of the Byzantine emperor, in relation to power in medieval Japan, in Aztec and modern society. The following chapters are dedicated to political power in the form of its various manifestations, legitimacy in modern society, the relationship with religion in post-December Romania and the connection between political elites and sacredness.
You can find more about the book at The Sacred and the political power – psychocial approaches of the collective imaginary in the collection of psycho-social sciences Pro Universitaria