A critical analysis of the public policies addressed to the Roma minority through the lenses of participative framework – PARTICIPROM

A critical analysis of the public policies addressed to the Roma minority through the lenses of participative framework – PARTICIPROM

October 2019 – April 2021

The project aims to critically interrogate the efficiency of the processes and mechanisms by which non-governmental actors (Roma or pro-Roma alike), traditional communities, local action groups or various associations representing Roma interests are involved in the processes of policy formulation and implementation of Roma related policies (e.g. The National Strategy for Roma Social Inclusion; the National Anti-Poverty and Social Inclusion Strategy; the Local Development Strategies or other various social programs addressed to vulnerable groups). The project starts from the three levels of participation proposed by McGarry and Agarin (2014) – guaranteed presence, voice and influence in political decision-making processes. While many academic contributions discuss the presence and voice of Roma in public structures at local, national and European level (McGarry, 2010, McGarry, 2014, Ram, 2010, Klimova-Alexander, 2006), fewer contributions focus on the influence of Roma non-governmental actors, representatives of traditional communities and other stakeholders in decision-making processes regarding public policy templates in the field of Roma inclusion

RIQL coordinator: Ionuț Anghel

Research team RIQL: Filip Alexandrescu; Cătălin Berescu

Period: October 2019 – April 2021

Funding: Romanian Academy

Keywords: participation, Roma, public policies, non-governmental actors

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