Public Transport Satisfaction Index - Bucharest-Ilfov public transport

Public Transport Satisfaction Index - Bucharest-Ilfov public transport

October-December 2019

About the project

The purpose of the project was to conduct a sociological study to assess the users’ level of satisfaction with public transport (above ground only) in Bucharest-Ilfov region. 


Research objectives

Identification/measurement of users’ perceptions and evaluations regarding the public transport service in Bucharest-Ilfov:


  • To identify mobility patterns and use of transportation in the Bucharest-Ilfov region, both public surface transport, and other means of public or private transportation.
  • To conduct a general assessment of public surface transport and other means of transportation.
  • To provide an assessment of public surface transport based on the content elements (specific criteria) of the EN 13816:2002 Standard.



The project required to conduct a pilot sociological survey on the population living in Bucharest and some localities in Ilfov county regarding aspects such as patterns of behavior, attitudes, perceptions, evaluations, and levels of satisfaction with the public surface transport. The sample was selected using a mix of sampling methods. Sample volume N=469 respondents.

  1. Probabilistic sample, stratified, based on the results of the 2011 census in the six districts of Bucharest municipality.
  2. Availability ample in one high school in Bucharest, for the 16-18-year-old age group.
  3. Availability sample in Ilfov County.


Data collection methods: face-to-face interviews (in Bucharest), in the bus stations/at the respondents’ homes (in Ilfov county), self-administrated questionnaires with supervision (high-school students).


Research Institute for Quality of Life Coordinator: Sorin Cace

Research Institute for Quality of Life Research team: Sorin Cace, Iulian Stănescu, Sebastian Ţoc, Iulian Aldea, Ana-Maria Dumbravă

Period: October-December 2019

Beneficiary: Intercommunity Development Association for Public Transport Bucharest-Ilfov 

Keywordsurban, public transport, satisfaction index.

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