Socio-economic dynamics. Infographics and inquiries

Socio-economic dynamics. Infographics and inquiries

The project Socio-economic dynamics. Infographics and inquiries contributes to increasing the knowledge on the dynamics of the Romanian society, based on a socio-economic view. RIQL researchers drafted a series of infographics that present several indicators from relevant fields of health, social public expenditure, demographics and population, education, research and digitalisation, employment, standard of living, housing, protection of vulnerable groups and social participation. Subject to data availability, each infographic presents a twofold comparative perspective: i) longitudinal, as a temporal comparison, in regard to the timeframe of Romania’s accession in EU, in 2007; ii) as a distance of the national level compared to the EU average. The key indicators presented can be used in the future for monitoring Romania’s progress towards achieving strategic targets set in policy documents.  The project has been implemented from July until September 2021, with the financial support of the General Secretariat of the Government (SGG) and the Department of Community Development. The publication prepared in the project, Social Atlas: Romania after 14 years since accession in the European Union, is available here:

Cace, Sorin, Voicu, Mălina, Marin, Monica, & Aldea, Iulian (Eds.). (2022). Atlas social: România la 14 ani de la integrarea în Uniunea Europeană. București: Institutul de Cercetare a Calității Vieții.

Team: Sorin Cace (coord.), technical coordination: Iulian Aldea, Mălina Voicu and Monica Marin. All infographics are produced by RIQL researchers.

Period: July – September 2021

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