The development potential of the informal economy in Romania

The development potential of the informal economy in Romania


Quantitative research (national representative, n = 1,200 respondents) and qualitative (in-depth interviews with people working in the informal economy). The quantitative study aimed at identifying informal activities in the household economy (diversity, positioning in relation to the income level, socio-economic profile of the family and values ​​of those involved in such activities). In addition, the qualitative study looked at the entrepreneurial aspects of informal work (costs, investments, up-dates to market dynamics, advertising, training).

Consortium coordinator: University of Goettingen, Germany

Research partners: The Research Institute for Quality of Life (RIQL/ ICCV)

RIQL coordinator: Simona ILIE

Research team RIQL: Simona ILIE, Manuela Sofie Stănculescu, the field research team

Period: 1998 – 2001

Funding: Volkswagen Stifhtung Foundation, GermaniaWebsite (link)

Key words: informal economy, black market, social policies

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