Research areas

Quality of Life

Quality of Life

Quality of life is a multiannual research program that aims to analyse quality of life in Romania in a comparative international perspective. A comprehensive image of quality of life is developed by using both objective and subjective indicators, both survey and...

Social policies

Social policies

The Social Policy program was launched together with the quality of life research program, following the founding of RIQL in 1990. Over the years, the program concentrated on the following areas: 1. Rethinking Romanian social policy in the European Union context; 2....

Planned social development and social change

Planned social development and social change

An important research area of RIQL is constructive sociology: the development of a theoretic and methodological paradigm for planned social development/social change. This includes: diagnosis of social problems, social innovation, strategy/plan, program/project...

Transition analysis

Transition analysis

Since 1990, RIQL has focused on the new, post-communist model of Romanian society. The main topic was first social policy: a new vision of the state’s social functions. In the 2000’s, the focus changed to the evaluation of the results of the transition process, the...

Poverty and anti-poverty policy

Poverty and anti-poverty policy

Within the intricate context of transition, the topic of poverty was always a priority field of study for RIQL. The first poverty assessments in Romania were completed by the Institute between 1990 and 1994. RIQL developed the methodology using the „basket of...

Social capital and symbolic capital. The study of social values.

Social capital and symbolic capital. The study of social values.

Social sciences have differentiated themselves from philosophy in the nineteenth century through the preoccupation (manifest in particular in sociology) of explaining cultural modernization. Modernization of culture is an ongoing process, through its later...

Standard of Living, Income and Consumption

Standard of Living, Income and Consumption

The Standard of Living, Income and Consumption is a research program that aims at analyzing the living standard and the links between the income level and the structure / volume of consumption of goods and services of the Romanian population in an international...

International migration

International migration

The study of international migration is one of the research orientations relatively recently added to the activity of The Research Institute for Quality of Life. Its development is related to the way phenomenon has evolved in Romania, now the main origin country for...

The socio-economic situation of the Roma population

The socio-economic situation of the Roma population

The objectives of the research program are to diagnose the socio-economic situation of Roma, including their health status, as well as to design and evaluate the public policy aiming at the improvement of Roma’s life circumstances. The Research Institute for Quality...

Social economy

Social economy

The Research Institute for Quality of Life developed a series of projects dedicated to the study of social economy in order to understand its evolution after 1990 and its role in social development. The objectives of this research program are: 1. to create a...

Employment and incomes – Social perspectives

Employment and incomes – Social perspectives

Topics such as work and employment have been extensively addressed, both through quantitative and qualitative research. We study employment and complement labour market analyses by approaching the social effects of employment: low living standards, inequality and...

Latest news

Profiling Made Better: Enhancing NEETs’ Activation Pathways

Profiling Made Better: Enhancing NEETs' Activation Pathways     Profiling Made Better: Building a Better Activation Pathway for NEETs As the atWork4NEETs project wraps up its third semester, we are excited to share the latest developments from the consortium’s...

Webinar on Profiling NEETs and the 4 selected Good Practices

Webinar on Profiling NEETs and the 4 selected Good Practices   As the atWork4NEETs project concludes its third semester, we are delighted to announce the latest developments from the consortium’s focus on “Profiling NEETs to Establish a More Consistent and Effective...

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Research Institute for Quality of Life

Calea 13 Septembrie nr. 13 Bucharest

Phone: 021.318.24.61