An important research area of RIQL is constructive sociology: the development of a theoretic and methodological paradigm for planned social development/social change. This includes: diagnosis of social problems, social innovation, strategy/plan, program/project design, impact studies, monitoring and evaluation.

Coordinator: Professor Cătălin Zamfir

Selected publications:

Precupeţu, Iuliana. Strategies of community development, Second edition.Iaşi: Editura Lumen, 2007.

Zamfir, Cătălin and Laura Stoica, eds. A new challenge: social development. Iași: Editura Polirom, 2006.

Zamfir, Cătălin and Laura Stoica, eds. Social innovation, factor of socio-economic development, special number Calitatea vieții, 1-2(2009).

Zamfir, Cătălin and Simona Stănescu, eds. Encyclopaedia of social development.Iași: Editura Polirom, 2007.

Zamfir, Cătălin, Laura Stoica and Manuela Stănculescu. Planning social development. Methodological guide. București: Institutul Social Român, 2008.

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