Within the intricate context of transition, the topic of poverty was always a priority field of study for RIQL. The first poverty assessments in Romania were completed by the Institute between 1990 and 1994. RIQL developed the methodology using the „basket of goods”for poverty assessment. This method, although more strenuous, proved to be a more precise one than any other method intended for the measurement of absolute poverty. Furthermore, the Institute provided data that revealed the at-risk poverty of social groups (Roma, children, aged groups, the unemployed) and brought major contributions to the design of various anti-poverty strategies and programmes, which were adopted by both the Presidential Administration and the Government.

Coordinator: Professor Cătălin Zamfir and dr. Manuela Stănculescu

Selected publications:

Cornia, Giovanni Andreea, ed. Poverty, Children and Policy: for a Brighter Future: Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland, Slovenia, Albania, Bulgaria, Romania, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Moldova, Russia, Ukraine, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia (Zamfir Cătălin and  Marius Pop, representatives of Romania). Geneva: UNICEF, 1995.

Stănculescu, Manuela Sofia and Ionica Berevoiescu, ed. Extremely poor, looking for another life!Bucureşti: Editura Nemira, 2004.

Stănculescu, Manuela Sofia, Rainer Neef and Philippe Adair, eds. Informal Economy and Social Transformation in Romania.Bucureşti: Paideia, 2007.

Zamfir, Cătălin, ed. ICCV, Kyoko Postill and Ruxandra Stan, eds UNDP. Poverty in Romania. București: PNUD, 2001.

Zamfir, Cătălin, Dorel Şandor, Vladimir Pasti and Warren Crowther, eds. National strategy for preventing and fighting against poverty. Alternative recommendations and solutions. Romania.Bucureşti, PNUD, 1998.

Zamfir, Cătălin, ed. Assessment of poverty and risks in child development in Romania. Bucureşti: UNICEF, 2005.

Zamfir, Cătălin, ed. Dimensions of poverty. Bucureşti: Editura Expert, 1995.

Zamfir, Cătălin, ed.National Anti-Poverty and Social Inclusion Promotion Plan, adopted by  Government Decision, Bucureşti: CASPIS, 2003.

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