Quality of life is a multiannual research program that aims to analyse quality of life in Romania in a comparative international perspective. A comprehensive image of quality of life is developed by using both objective and subjective indicators, both survey and statistical data, both quantitative and qualitative methods. The various dimensions of quality of life are investigated: incomes and standard of living, health, employment, education, family, housing, subjective wellbeing, public services, social services. The program also looks at social change in the various realms of life and explores how they articulate and relate and to each other in contributing to quality of life. Finally, it scrutinizes vulnerable groups and examines their quality of life.

Quality of life research program relies on survey data from both national and international/European sources. “Quality of life Diagnosis” is a unique annual survey in Romania, carried out by the institute in 1990─1999, 2003, 2006, 2010. Comparative analysis in European/international perspective is mainly based on data from large scale surveys like European Quality of Life Survey, the Eurobarometers, European Values Survey, World Values Survey etc.

Coordinators: Professor Ioan Mărginean, dr Iuliana Precupeţu

Selected publications:

*NEW* Precupețu, Iuliana (coordonator), Flavius Mihalache, Claudia Petrescu, Cosmina Elena Pop, Laura Tufă, Marian Vasile. 2018. Calitatea vieții în România în context european. Raport de cercetare. Institutul de Cercetare a Calității Vieții [In Romanian language]


Ioan Mărginean and Ana Bălaşa, eds. Quality of life in Romania. Revised edition. Bucureşti: Editura Expert, 2005.

Mărginean, Ioan and Iuliana Precupeţu, eds. Quality of Life and sustainable development. Policy for strenghtening social cohesion.București: Editura Expert, 2008.

Mărginean, Ioan and Iuliana Precupeţu, eds. The paradigm of quality of life.Bucureşti: Editura Academiei, 2011.

Mărginean, Ioan and Marian Vasile, eds. Dictionary of quality of life. Bucureşti: Editura Academiei, 2014.

Mărginean, Ioan, ed. First European Quality of Life Survey: Quality of life in Bulgaria and Romania,Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2006.

Mărginean, Ioan, ed. Quality of Life in Romania. Bucureşti: Expert, 2004.

Precupețu, Iuliana and Marius Precupețu. Inequality in Romania. Dimensions and trends, București: Editura Academiei, 2013.*

Zamfir, Elena and Filomena Maggino, eds. The Right to Happiness. The Relation Between Hapiness and the Quality of Life. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013.*

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Research Institute for Quality of Life

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