The objectives of the research program are to diagnose the socio-economic situation of Roma, including their health status, as well as to design and evaluate the public policy aiming at the improvement of Roma’s life circumstances. The Research Institute for Quality of Life carried out three major surveys on Roma population: in 1992, 1998 and 2001, the latter one being part of an international survey. The research carried out in 1992 on a representative sample of 3600 households was the first ever study in the world dedicated to the investigation of socio-economic situation of Roma. Our institute also accomplished the first estimation of Roma population’s size in Romania by substantially correcting in 1994 the 1992 census data.

Coordinators: Professor Cătălin Zamfir and dr. Sorin Cace.

Selected publications:

Cace, Sorin and Cristian Vladescu, eds. The Health status of Roma population and their access to health services.București: Editura Expert, 2004.

Cace, Sorin, ed. The Roma access to the labour market. Aspirations, factors and successful strategies. Bucureşti: Editura Expert, 2007.

Cace, Sorin, ed. The Roma working children and their families – socio-cultural characteristics and living conditions. Bucureşti: Editura RO MEDIA, 2002.

Cace, Sorin, Vasile Cantarji and Nicolae Sali. Roma in Moldova Republic. UNDP Moldova, 2006.

Ionescu, Mariea and Sorin Cace. Employment policies for Roma. București: Editura Expert, 2006.

Ionescu, Mariea and Sorin Cace. Positive practice in Roma communities. București:Agenţia de Dezvoltare Comunitară “Împreună”, 2000.

Ionescu, Mariea and Sorin Cace. Public policies for Roma. Evolutions and perspectives. București: Editura Expert, 2006.

Zamfir, Cătălin and Marian Preda. Roma in Romania. București: Editura Expert, 2002.

Zamfir, Elena and Cătălin Zamfir, eds. Gipsies. Between ignoring and concern. Bucureşti: Editura Alternative, 1994.

Zamfir, Elena and Vasile Burtea, eds. Present and perspective in Roma culture in the perception of intellectuals, leaders and successful Roma. București: CNCR, ICCV, 2012.

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