The Research Institute for Quality of Life developed a series of projects dedicated to the study of social economy in order to understand its evolution after 1990 and its role in social development. The objectives of this research program are: 1. to create a comprehensive image of the social economy sector, as well as understanding its components: economic and social activity; 2. to identify the supply and demand of social economy, the social entrepreneurship; 3. to assess the impact that the social economy can have on the inclusion of vulnerable groups and on local development; 4. to identify the social economy entities which can help the inclusion of vulnerable groups on the labor market (non-governmental organizations, mutual organizations, cooperatives).  The research methodology is based on studies carried out on representative samples at national or regional level regarding the supply and demand of social economy, qualitative studies and secondary analysis of NIS databases.

Coordinator: Dr. Sorin Cace.

Selected publications:

Cace, Sorin, Daniel Arpinte and Andreia Scoican, eds. Social economy in Romania. Two regional profiles. Bucureşti: Expert, 2010.

Cace, Sorin, Victor Nicolaescu and Andreia Scoican, eds. Good Practices in Social Economy in Greece and in other States of the European Union. București: Expert, 2010.

Stănescu, Simona and Sorin Cace, eds. Another kind of employment: the demand for social economy in Bucharest-Ilfov and South East regions.Bucureşti: Expert, 2011.

Stănescu, Simona, Sorin Cace and Filip Alexandrescu, eds. Between opportunities and risks: the offer of social economy in Bucharest-Ilfov and South East regions, Bucureşti: Expert, 2011.

Stănescu, Simona, Sorin Cace and Filip Alexandrescu, eds.Demand and supply of social economy – two development regions of Romania. București: Editura Prouniversitaria, 2013.

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