Alexandra Gheondea Eladi

Alexandra Gheondea Eladi

Researcher III

Alexandra received her PhD in sociology from the University of Bucharest and an MA in social research from Warwick University, UK.

Her research explores individual and group decisions in various cooperation areas. She is particularly interested in formal decision modelling with dynamic systems and the theory of games.

Her most recent research is concerned with the way in which patients decide and the design of efficient patient decision support systems.

Her work has been published in journals like Group Decision and Negotiation and Journal of Empirical Research in Human Research Ethics.

Research interests: individual and group decision-making, decision theory, health decisions, patient decision aids, shared decision-making in health, experimental methods, qualitative research, mixed methodology, research ethics.




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Broșura de prezentare a ICCV, incluzând direcțiile de cercetare, programele instituționale, publicațiile relevante și domeniile de expertiză ale Institutului, poate fi descărcată aici:
Institutul de Cercetare a Calității Vieții - 30 de ani de cercetare în beneficiul comunității


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