Gabriela Neagu

Gabriela Neagu

Scientific researcher II

Gabriela Neagu studied the science of education at ”A.I.Cuza” Iasi University and she completed his PhD in Sociology with a thesis on sociology of education at Bucharest University. She is senior researcher II with the Research Institute for the Quality of life, Romanian Academy.

Gabriela Neagu is the author or co-author of many reports (i.e. Mid-Term Review of the ‘Social Inclusion through the Provision of Integrated Services at Community Level’ Model, (LRPS-2016-9125555) October 2014–December 2016,UNICEF, Romania; Methodology for Working with Young people in Rural Areas and within the Child Protection System, Children’s Villages, Romania, 2017), studies and articles on educational policy, equality of access to education  or disadvantaged social groups (i.e. Șanse de acces la educație în societatea românească actuală, 2011, Editura Lumen, Iași; Effectiveness and/or equity in the education system in Romania. A comparative analysis, 2014, Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences vol 5(22):493-503, DOI:10.5901/mjss.2014.v5n22p493; Determinants Factors of Adult Participation in Education,2014, Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences142:473-480, DOI:10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.07.651)

Research interests: social policies, educational policy, sociology of education, quality of life.

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