Georgiana Bonea

Georgiana Bonea


Scientific Researcher Gr. III, Ph.D. University Lecturer, Bonea Georgiana Virginia

Areas of interest: domestic violence; family support social policies; social assistance in Romania; victimology; the family aggressor; family evolution; minimum wage; Romanian public pension system.

Bonea Georgiana-Virginia holds a PhD in Sociology since 2012 (Doctoral School of Sociology of the Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, University of Bucharest), obtained a PhD in Sociology in 2012, taking courses at the Faculty of Sociology and Social Work , UB and Hyperion University from 2012 to 2016.

The area of ​​research and study includes topics such as: the manifestation of the individual’s aggression in the family intimate setting; the study of the short-term and long-term negative effects that domestic violence has on the victim; the trajectory and influence of social policies for preventing and combating domestic violence; the evolution of the development process of the social assistance system in Romania; the path taken by the family and the metamorphosis of mentalities regarding the status-roles of the man and the woman within the family; school violence; school dropout; the impact of the aging process on the reform of the Romanian pension system; minimum wage and changes in the labor market.

Georgiana-Virginia BONEA published between 2008-2022: 24 articles, 2 chapters in books, 1 coordinator book, 7 unique author books, 2 reviews, 21 national and international conferences, 5 projects and several media appearances.

  • All the books published at Sigma Publishing House, which are part of the Collection “Contemporary Dilemma” – Bonea Georgiana Virginia, can be downloaded free of charge from the Virtual Sociology Library:
  • Google citations:

Research interests: domestic violence; family support social policies; social assistance in Romania; victimology; the family aggressor; family evolution.


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