Simona Maria Stănescu

Simona Maria Stănescu

Senior researcher

Simona Maria Stănescu is sociologist, senior researcher at the Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy, PhD degree in Sociology from University of Bucharest (2011). Simona was involved in several projects focused on reform of social assistance area in Romania, institution building in the social field, development of social services, research of the social economy and quality of life of ageing population. Simona has an extensive experience in coordinating interdisciplinary research teams. Simona is the author of more than 50 articles in academic journals and 80 book chapters, the sole author of two monographs, the co-authors of other three monographs and the editor of 13 volumes. The volume “Statul bunastarii intre supravietuire, reforma si integrare europeana” (Welfare state between survival, reform, and European integration) (2013) received the Dimitrie Gusti Award in Sociology of the Romanian Academy.  She is the editor-in-chief of the peer-review academic journal Sociologie Romanească (Romanian Sociology Review) as well as the secretary general of the Romanian Sociology Association. Simona is coediting the Psycho-socio collection of books within ProUniversitaria Publishing House.

Research interests: welfare state, the enlargement of the European Union, social economy, demography, and vulnerable groups


ORCID: 0000-0002-4714-2626

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